About me
‘Life is a journey: You should learn the terrain, pick a direction, find some good traveling companions, and enjoy the trip, because there may be nothing at the end of the road.’ Jonathan Haidt
I’ve always been fascinated and intrigued by human nature and I’m always curious to learn more and have new experiences. I’ve always believed that our existence makes sense in light of a path of personal growth and spiritual evolution. I see life as an adventure. Having the courage to face one’s underlying pain requires inner work to release limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, traumas, internal blockages, fears and emotional wounds. This is the perspective that has given me the drive and enthusiasm to continue this journey.
I left home at 17, when I began my first degree in Film Studies. At 21, I decided to put a promising career on hold to get to know myself in the unknown. So, with a rucksack on my back, I headed to Italy. Despite having Italian origins, I experienced a huge culture shock and found it very difficult to adapt to life there, which led me to seek psychological help. That was when I came across Psychosynthesis, an approach to psychotherapy which expanded my inner horizons and led me to unimaginable places. Since then, I have never left psychotherapy, whether as a client, student, or finally as a qualified psychotherapist and trainer.
It took me 11 years to return to Portugal, where I continued my academic studies, this time in psychology. After so many professional and personal experiences, I’ve reached a place where I explore questions such as:
- Who am I beyond the fear that at times prevents me from connecting with my essence and from living up to my potential?
- In each moment, what do I want in life? What nourishes me and brings me joy?
- What do I need to let go of in order to live more fully in the present?
- How should I take care of myself in order to feel comfortable in my own skin and fulfil my dreams?
- How should I take care of myself in order to feel comfortable in my own skin and fulfil my dreams?
- How can I contribute to creating a better world?
To gradually answer these questions, I attend and give training sessions, read, travel the world, go on retreats, try out different therapies, surround myself with cherished and loving people, write, meditate, have psychotherapy, breathe with nature, and do exercise. I allow myself to dream and to dare to traverse my own tunnels of pain. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of choosing exceptional teachers, therapists, and people who help to keep me on course every day.
I dedicate my professional work to individual and group psychotherapy sessions, workshops, and training sessions for therapists. I have published three books and I co-host the podcast Ousar Ser. I spent nine years working with A Barragem (the Portuguese Foundation for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Addiction), which opened doors for me and allowed me to discover my passion for the area of addictions and trauma. My approach is an integration of my personal and professional paths (somatic, transpersonal and humanistic-existential psychotherapy), and I adapt my style and therapeutic tools to the needs of the individual.
Qualifications and Training
Academic Studies
- Bachelor’s degree in Film Studies (ESTC – School of Theatre and Cinema, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon), 1998
- Bachelor’s degree in Languages and Foreign Literature (University of Perugia, Italy), 2006
- Master’s degree in Psycholinguistics (University of Perugia, Italy), 2009
- Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology (Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon), 2014
Psychotherapy Specialisms
- Psychosynthesis [SIPT – Italian Society for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy], 2001-2007
- Biosynthesis [CPSB – Centre for Somatic Psychotherapy and Biosynthesis, Portugal], 2014-2018
- Somatic Experiencing [Somatic – School of Body Psychotherapy, Portugal], 2017-2019
- Bodynamic [Somatic – School of Body Psychotherapy, Portugal], 2019
- Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy [Esalen Institute, USA], 2016, [HIE, Europe], 2019-2023
- Nonviolent Communication [Center for Nonviolent Communication], Ireland, 2022
- Compassionate Inquiry Program [Canada], [Canada] 2022-2023
- Right Use of Power [USA][USA] 2022-2023
Professional affiliations
- EAP [European Association for Psychotherapy]
- EABP [European Association for Body Psychotherapy]
- SPA [Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores]