Ousar ser feliz: Dá trabalho mas compensa! (Literal translation: Dare to be happy: It takes work but it pays off!)
by Rossana Appolloni
Ilustrations by Sílvia Neto Gonçalves
Design by Monóculo
Ousar ser feliz: Dá trabalho mas compensa! (Literal translation: Dare to be happy: It takes work but it pays off!) is a set of 50 independent but interconnected texts intended as tips for those who want a rich and fruitful life. Happiness is not a goal that can be achieved merely by solving problems. Instead, it’s a way of being, accepting that we are on a path that is still being built. It’s not easy, but it’s possible: the key is to take an active role and make the right choices, which are different for each of us. We must have the courage to face our fears in order to overcome the obstacles that appear. We must risk leaving our comfort zone to explore the unknown. In doing so, we must take responsibility for the choices we make and put ourselves at the center of our own lives as the author of our own existence . It’s constant, daily work of self-discovery, which is made of uneven trails that require perseverance, but whose rewards are worth it!

Dare to be happy:
It takes work but it pays off!
(Literal translation: Dare to be happy:
It takes work but it pays off!)
by Rossana Appolloni
Ilustrations by Sílvia Neto Gonçalves
Edition: 2014
Pages: 176
Editor: Self
ISBN: 9789898781161
Ousar ser feliz: Dá trabalho mas compensa! (Literal translation: Dare to be happy: It takes work but it pays off!) is a set of 100 independent but interconnected texts intended as tips for those who want a rich and fruitful life. Happiness is not a goal that can be achieved merely by solving problems. Instead, it’s a way of being, accepting that we are on a path that is still being built. It’s not easy, but it’s possible: the key is to take an active role and make the right choices, which are different for each of us. We must have the courage to face our fears in order to overcome the obstacles that appear. We must risk leaving our comfort zone to explore the unknown. In doing so, we must take responsibility for the choices we make and put ourselves at the center of our own lives as the author of our own existence. It’s constant, daily work of self-discovery, which is made of uneven trails that require perseverance, but whose rewards are worth it!

Da Psicanálise à Psicologia Positiva
(Literal translation: FROM SUFFERING TO HAPPINESS –
From Psychoanalysis to Positive Psychology)
by Rossana Appolloni
Edition: 2015
Pages: 288
Editor: Self
ISBN: 9789898781543
After psychoanalysis began the therapeutic method known as talk therapy humanistic-existential psychotherapy arrived to shift the approach to one more focused on the development of human potential, the responsibility of the individual and the search for meaning in life as factors in a person’s existential condition and sense of personal fulfilment.
By shifting away from an exclusive focus on illness toward the regulation of emotions and building personal fulfilment, the successive models of psychotherapy opened up new horizons to our understanding of psychological support. This gave rise to a greater awareness of our capacity for autonomy and the importance of self-determination, allowing us to move from suffering to the possibility of happiness by valuing the here and now.
This work seeks to reflect on some of the theoretical rifts that occurred throughout the 20th century in the field of psychotherapy, starting out from four fundamental paradigms: The psychodynamic perspective (based on Freudian psychoanalysis); the existential-humanistic approach (based on the human potential movement, the person-centered method, existential psychotherapy, psychosynthesis and logotherapy); the cognitive-behavioural approach (based on behaviourism, rational emotive behaviour psychotherapy (REBT) and cognitive theories); and, finally, the current ideas around positive psychology, which seek to create their own space for scientific investigation by connecting knowledge derived from cognitivism, existential humanism and moral psychology.

(Literal Translation: WAKE UP. FREE YOURSELF. GROW.)
by Rossana Appolloni
Edition: 2019
Pages: 240
Editor: Self
ISBN: 9789898853493
We are all adults and, at the same time, we are all children. We have a responsible side that knows what it wants and makes it happen, and is able to protect itself from harm. However, we have another side that wants others to be like us, is intolerant of differences, gets frustrated when it does not achieve its goals and places the responsibility for its well-being and blame for its discomfort on others. The distinction between the Adult Self and the Child Self manifests itself in various contexts, depending on the individual.
The journey we make throughout this book is towards recognizing the difference between the Adult Self and the Child Self in order to clarify the direction of our growth. What makes us wake up to our inner reality, free ourselves from what no longer serves us and grow towards finding the best version of ourselves? The answer can be found by looking at our inner child, in order to recover joy, spontaneity and lightness, but also to take care of wounds and traumas, that is, the emotional part that makes us fly into a rage or fall into a downward spiral of exhausting anxiety.
Rossana Appolloni addresses questions inherent to our internal dynamics. For instance, what emotional wounds do we have and how do they arise on a day-to-day basis? How are patterns of behaviour formed and how do we change them? What is the role of attachment in childhood and how does it influence our relationships as adults? The book looks at: the change process; the Hero’s Journey as a symbolic journey that we can all take, thus enabling post-traumatic growth; how to be an emotionally-adult person capable of taking care of oneself; and finally, the importance of walking towards – rather than arriving at – the destination.
Along with a theoretical explanation, all chapters include stories shared by clients, suggestions in the form of exercises and references to episodes of the author’s Ousar Ser Podcast.